& NGS Application Workshops
workshops are aimed at giving participants a deep and objective
understanding of real-time quantitative PCR, Next Generation
Sequencing, biostatistics, expression
profiling, digital-PCR, and its applications. The courses are intended
for academic or industrial persons considering working with qPCR and/or
NGS or
scientists currently working with thes technologies seeking a deeper
understanding. All
qPCR workshops offer extensive hands-on training by qPCR or NGS
expertsin the field. |
The qPCR
workshops on 26th and 27th March are hosted by TATAA Biocenter (www.TATAA.com) or Bio-Rad (www.Bio-Rad.com)
NGS data analysis workshop on 26th and 27th March
is hosted by Genomatix
and Qiagen (www.Qiagen.com)
workshop laboratories and seminar rooms are very close to the
central lecture hall.
2-day workshops will be held in parallel at 26th -
27th March 2015:
register for the workshops using the ConfTool
registration platform => registration.qPCR-NGS-2015.net
In the qPCR data
analysis workshop the data conversion, normalisation procedure,
biostatistical calculations and the expression profiling will be done
with the newest GenEx software by MultiD.
You can download a free trial version
from our webpage => Genex.gene-quantification.info |
The courses cover
all aspects in qPCR and is held
during 2-days. Each course is app. 50% hands-on and is limited to
app. 20 participants, resulting in very interactive teaching and
everybody is given the opportunity to try the instrumentation.
the course participants will be able to plan and perform qPCR
experiments themselves, as well as interpret and analyze data. Detailed
course material and full catering (lunch, coffee, soft drinks and
snacks) are included in the course fee.
26 - 27 March 2015
Course starts
at 9
Course ends
around 5 pm
Workshop short agendas:
Basic real-time
qPCR Application Workshop
(2-days) hosted
room – S3
This is a basic real-time qPCR course for people starting with qPCR or
is working with the technique and want to understand it deeper. The
course starts with describing how the technology works, different types
of detection technologies and instruments. Then you will learn how to
design primers and probes and optimize new assays. You will get an
understanding of the qPCR reaction so you are able to troubleshoot and
improve your own experiments. During the first day a standard curve
hands-on experiment will be performed where we will practically show
how to evaluate amplification curves and handle qPCR instrument
The second day will cover how to do relative quantification with qPCR,
how to find stable reference genes and do proper normalization. Several
quantification examples will be demonstrated with calculations of ΔCq,
ΔΔCq and efficiency corrected ratios. During hands-on lab you will
receive relative quantification data that you will perform calculations
with yourself with a few different methods. You will get an
understanding of how Cq-values, thresholds and efficiency affect your
quantification results. During the day you will also learn how to do
absolute quantification, work with standard curves and how to properly
validate your qPCR assay performance.
Day 1
Introduction to PCR and qPCR
- How does qPCR work?
- Different detection chemistries, dyes or probes?
- Different applications
qPCR data evaluation
- How does qPCR software process the data
- How to evaluate curves and set threshold
Primer and probe design
- How to do proper primer design
- How to avoid primer dimer formation
- Other important considerations for primer design
- How to design hydrolysis probes
- Practical exercises in primer design
Optimization of qPCR protocols
- Which factors affect the PCR?
- Which factors can be optimized? |
Day 2
- Different ways to normalize
- How to find stable reference genes
Basic quantification theory
- Quantification methods and equations
- How to do interplate calibration
Absolute quantification strategies
- How to do absolute quantification
- What is a suitable standard?
Validation of assays
- How to determine LOD and LOQ
- Precision estimation
- Which controls to use
Quantification calculation examples
- Practical examples with relative quantification
- Calculations with own generated qPCR data |
qPCR Data Analysis
Workflow: from instrument data to interpretation
(2-days) hosted
by TATAA Biocenter
seminar room – PU26
This training course is aimed at those working with real-time qPCR and
would like to learn how appropriate statistics shall be selected and
applied correctly to get the most out of the qPCR data. It is a
comprehensive course teaching the basics of statistics including the
most common methods to analyze qPCR data generated both in large and
small studies. Participants are expected to have knowledge and
experience of the qPCR method.
The course includes extensive computer based exercises using the
software GenEx (MultiD Analyses). You can download a free trial version
from our webpage => Genex.gene-quantification.info
The first day of the course focuses on the principles of statistics
going through the terminology used in statistics and how to approach
statistics when analysing qPCR data. Day one will describe the most
common terms used in descriptive statistics and the most frequently
used statistical tests to extrapolate from sample to population. It
will also discuss how to setup qPCR experiments to be able to make
statistical analysis of the data.
In addition day one focuses on the ability to detect difference and
factors that influence the power analysis that can be made to optimize
an experiment. The last part will discuss the pre-treatment that
is required before analysing qPCR data, how to use relative
quantification to compare samples and the use of reference genes to
normalise between samples. Day one will also discuss the importance of
controlling for genomic DNA contamination in gene expression analysis
and how we can correct for gDNA presence using NoRT controls or
Day two of this course focuses mainly on two things. The first is
absolute quantification using standard curves that is used to quantify
unknown samples. To do this in a proper way one need to know the limits
between which we can make a good detection and quantification. How to
identify limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ) and
the dynamic range of a qPCR test will be handled.
Second main topic of the day is gene expression profiling where more
than one gene is analysed in many samples. Analysing many genes in many
samples often mean that the analysis cannot be performed with a single
plate, to account for this a proper design is vital for your
multi-plate experiment and analysis. We will finally discuss the most
common multivariate methods used in expression profiling where samples
(or genes) are classified based on the similar response of different
genes (or samples)
Day 1
Principles of statistics
- Introduction to the basic principles of statistics
- What does the basic terms mean?
Design of experiments
- How should the experiment be designed?
- How to do statistical hypothesis testing
Statistical tests
- Overview of the most common statistical tests
- How do we apply the different tests and when are
they valid?
Ability to detect a difference (Power Testing)
- How to define the power of a test
- How to test the null hypothesis
- Type I and typ II errors
Relative quantification
- How are the calculations for relative
quantification performed?
- How should qPCR data be pre-treated before
comparison? |
Day 2
Multiplate measurements
- How do we get Cq-values, what is delta-Cq and
- How should we plan the experiment to analyze
multi-plate measurements in the best way?
- How do we use interplate calibrators
Absolute quantification
- How is absolute quantification performed?
- How to interpret standard curves
Limit of detection
- How to calculate LOD and LOQ
- How to identify the source of variance in
Reference genes
- How to find and validate optimal reference genes
Expression profiling
- How can gene expression profiling be performed?
- How to classify genes or samples with scatter plots
and dendograms
- How to handle missing data in multivariate analysis
- Practical computer based training in principal
component analysis, self-organizing maps and clustering analysis |
PCR (2-days)
hosted by
Seminar room
– S1
Learn how to plan,
perform, and analyze digital PCR experiments and how digital PCR can
help your research to overcome the limitations of real-time qPCR.
Day 1
- Welcome and introductions
- Introduction to Digital PCR
- Droplet generation and PCR start for CNV
- ddPCR applications: CNV
- Start DR for CNV experiment
- Droplet generation and PCR start for RED and
- ddPCR Applications: RED and ABS
- CNV results analysis
- Start DR for RED/ABS experiment
- Review of the day
Day 2
- ddPCR: basic statistics
- RED/ABS results analysis
- Other ddPCR Applications: gene expression and
- When qPCR and when ddPCR? Moving from qPCR to
- Open Q&A session
- Review of the workshop
NGS data analysis
workshop (2-days) hosted by
seminar room – PU26A - GIS room
headed by Dr. Christian Zinser
Description: The large
amounts of data derived from next generation sequencing projects makes
efficient data mining strategies necessary. In the course you will
learn strategies for the analysis of different kinds of next generation
sequencing data. The workshop is based on real world examples and will
use the Genomatix software, which provides a graphical user interface;
no programming, scripting, or command line tool knowledge is necessary
to attend.
Day 1
General introduction to
the Genomatix systems
Small variant analysis
Genomatix Mining Station
(GMS): mapping of DNA-Seq data
Genomatix Genome Analyzer (GGA): small variant
GeneGrid: small variant annotation
small variants affecting proteins
small variants affecting gene regulation
using annotation to filter for relevant variants
comparative analysis scenarios: trios, cancer and others |
Day 2
ChIP-Seq analysis
GGA: peak detection and classification
transcription factor binding site analysis in ChIP peaks
de novo definition of common sequence motifs in ChIP data
next-neighbor analysis and regulatory target prediction for ChIP regions
correlation of different data sets
RNA-Seq analysis
GMS: mapping of RNA-Seq data
GGA: differential expression analysis
differential promoter usage analysis
classification and pathway analysis of differentially expressed genes
QIAGEN "Sample to
Insight": Analyzing and interpreting the biological meaning in NGS data
(2 days) hosted by
Qiagen Computer
– HU34A
headed by Dr. Anne Arens
Description: This
hands-on training course is focusing on NGS data analysis and NGS data
interpretation. All hand-on parts will be graphical user interface
guided. Therefore neither command line nor scripting skills are needed.
On the first day we will focus on DNA-Seq and the second day on RNA-Seq
data analysis, including differential expression analysis, as well as
Chip-Seq. By making use of our knowledge base you will learn, how you
can easily gain insight into the results of your NGS experiment.
Day 1
We will focus on DNA sequencing data analysis and introduce the
concepts of read mapping and variant calling to you. The detailed
analysis of variants will be discussed. We will make use of the CLC
Cancer Research Workbench (http://clccancer.com/software/)
for the fast and efficient processing and visualisation of human NGS
data, and of Ingenuity Variant Analysis (http://www.ingenuity.com/products/variant-analysis)
for the identification, prioritisation and biological interpretation of
- Download of reference data, import of NGS
data, quality check & trimming
- Resequencing: mapping of reads to reference
genome & variant calling (SNPs, InDels, CNV)
- Visualization of variants with the built-in
genome browser
- Predefined or user-defined automated workflows
- Identification of relevant variants by
filtering and annotation
- Biological interpretation of variants
Day 2
On the second day we will focus on the transcriptome. You will be
introduced to RNA-seq sequence analysis including read mapping and
differential expression analysis. We will also perform Chip-Seq data
analysis on this day. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (http://www.ingenuity.com/products/ipa)
will be used to better interpret the RNA-Seq results.
- Transcriptomics: mapping of reads to genes and
transcripts, differential expression analysis and statistics
- Pathway analysis
- Chip-Seq: mapping of reads, peak calling,
annotate nearby genes
Any questions
=> Contact our
scientific organisation team, headed by Michael W.
Pfaffl qPCR-NGS-2015@wzw.tum.de
© 2014 - 2015