qPCR  2007 Event

3rd International qPCR Symposium 
&  Industrial Exhibition  &  Application Workshop

26th - 30th March 2007,  in  Freising-Weihenstephan,

Technical University of Munich,  Physiology-Weihenstephan,  Germany

Freising, 20th March 2006
Dear colleagues,
dear researchers,

dear company representatives,

On behalf of the Organisation Committee and the Scientific Board it is great pleasure to invite you to the 3rd International qPCR Symposium & Industrial Exhibition & Application Workshop to be held at the Center of Life Science in Freising Weihenstephan, Technische Universität München (Germany). The great international interest in the previous meetings [ qPCR 2004 and qPCR 2005 ] with up to 465 participants in each event from over 40 countries, and 30 international companies in the qPCR Industrial Exhibition led us to the decision to repeat it in spring 2007.

We have set the date for the qPCR 2007 Event 26 – 30th March 2007. The event location is the central lecture hall complex and the foyer at TUM (Technical University of Munich) in Freising Weihenstephan, Germany. The TUM and the Biotech region around Munich is part of the largest Biotech cluster in Europe, located close to the Munich airport in the heart of Bavaria.

Leading academic researchers and industrial contributors in the field will be participate in the symposium, which will be an arena for fruitful discussions between researchers of different backgrounds. The Symposium Talks, various Poster Sessions, Industrial Exhibition and three associated TATAA Application Workshops offer an overview of the present knowledge and future developments in qPCR technology and its wide applications. The referee process is finished. We accepted 190 scientific contributions - 84 TALKs and 106 POSTERS are accepted.

The qPCR 2007 Event contains several parts:

1.    qPCR Symposium taking place March 26 – 28,   => Talk and Poster sessions 
=>  download FLYER
2.    A parallel qPCR Industrial Exhibition taking place March 26 – 28  
fully booked
3.    Followed by three qPCR TATAA Workshops taking place March 29 – 30

•    Classical qPCR Application  (2-days)    
fully booked =>  download FLYER
•    qPCR Biostatistics and Expression Profiling  (2-days)

=>  download FLYER
•    Sample Preparation (1-day)    &   Immuno-qPCR  (1-day)         
fully booked =>  download FLYER
4.    LightCycler® 480 Application Workshops, Roche Applied Science, March 29
=>  download FLYER
5.   Bio-Rad Gene Quantification Workshop, March 29
=>  download FLYER
6.   Plexor, the new Technology for MultiPlex qPCR & Genotyping, Promega Workshop, March 29
=>  download FLYER

The focus of the qPCR 2007 Event will be on single-cell qPCR, and microRNA / siRNA  quantitative RT-PCR applications.

The scientific organization is managed by international well-known scientists in the field of real-time PCR:

Scientific board:

Stephen Bustin
Prof. of Molecular Science QM, School of Medicine, London, UK
Mikael Kubista
Prof. of Biotechnology, TATAA Biocenter, Sweden
Vladimir Benes
EMBL, Senior Scientist and Head of Genomics Core Facility, Heidelberg, Germany
Jo Vandesompele Senior Scientist at the Center of Medical Genetics, University of Ghent, Belgium
Greg Shipley
Prof. and Director of the Quantitative Genomics Laboratory at University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, USA
Heinrich H.D. Meyer
Prof. of Physiology, Weihenstephan, Germany
Michael W. Pfaffl
Reader in Physiology, Weihenstephan, Germany,
scientific coordinator of the Symposium and the Application Workshops  qPCR2007@wzw.tum.de

Event organization:
Ulrich Wild, TUM-Tech GmbH Munich     ulrich.wild@tumtech.de

Talk and Poster sessions:

=>  Find all TALK or POSTER presentations here

Please register here  => 

Main session:    Single-cell qPCR

all around single-cell qPCR, pre-amplification techniques, laser micro dissection, sub-cellular PCR, micro-manipulation of cell clusters, cellular micro injection, …
Main session:    microRNA – siRNA Applications

microRNA extraction, qRT-PCR technologies to detect microRNA, siRNA applications in combination with real-time RT-PCR, microRNA targets and microRNA precursors, new siRNA manipulation and microRNA technologies, .....

Immuno qPCR

development, establishment, optimization of immuno-qPCR, innovative immuno qPCR applications, …..
New diagnostic applications with real-time PCR

new quantification methods, new dyes and probe technologies, SNP analysis, high resolution melt applications, Marker Genes (diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic markers on DNA and RNA level), .......

High throughput quantitative PCR

96 well and 384 well applications, new high throughput platforms, SNP application, gene expression real-time RT-PCR arrays, quantitative multiplexing, …..
Pre-analytical Steps

sampling technologies, DNA / RNA purification, DNA / RNA quality control, Reverse Transcription, RT quality control, external references, …..

qPCR NOS Session   -   Normalization & Optimization & Standardization

new types of normalization, one vs. multiple reference genes, genomic DNA as standard, external standards, optimization of the real-time PCR, inhibition of negative effects, optimization of real-time PCR efficiency, multiplexing, establishment of DNA / RNA standards, inter-run standards, national and international studies on qPCR standardization, quantification strategies, ........
qPCR BioStatistics & BioInformatics

software applications, calculation of relative expression, data mining, primer and probe design, real-time PCR efficiency determination, CP determination from amplification response curves by mathematical modelling, raw data analysis, statistics in real-time PCR, data management, 3D data visualization, ........

I am looking forward meeting you in March at the Symposium in Freising-Weihenstephan.
Michael Pfaffl
Symposium Chair

qPCR 2007 NEWS   -   qPCR 2007 NEWS   -   qPCR 2007 NEWS

Invitation!   Invitation!   Invitation!   Invitation!   Invitation! Roche Applied Science
LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System

Learn more...  ...about the impressive versatility of the LightCycler® 480 Real-Time PCR System

If you are interested in participating in the LightCycler® 480 Application Workshops (29 March 2007),
please respond via the following link
(LightCycler® 480 Application Workshops)

qPCR Application Workshop

Bio-Rad Gene Quantification Workshop, March 29, 2007

The Bio-Rad Gene Quantification Workshop will introduce you to the whole Gene Expression workflow.
Besides different options for Real Time PCR instrumentation and qPCR application strategies, the RNA Quality Control steps and the Microarray instrumentation area will be covered as well.  You will have a chance to manipulate the different instrument platforms, especially by running both conventional and FAST real time PCR applications.

Plexor, the new Technology for MultiPlex qPCR and Genotyping

Promega Workshop, March 29th, 2007

The workshop will provide you with detailed information about the use of Plexor with different qPCR cyclers, the primer design, the reaction setup and the data analysis. You will setup a qPCR run including data analysis (Ct and melt curve) for a multiplex qPCR reaction, followed by a discussion about the setup, results etc. with Promega Scientists.

Learn more about the workshop at   http://www.promega.com/de/Seminare/Workshop.htm

Download registration form

We welcome our international speakers, poster presenters, industry representatives in the exhibition and symposium participants at the qPCR 2007 Event !
Europe USA Sweden France Slovenia Israel Portugal  Ireland
Austria Canada Denmark Germany Finland UK
Czech Republic Australia Belgium Italy Norway Switzerland Spain Russia
Turkey Albania Poland Estonia Japan India Serbia Taiwan
Iceland Hungary
Saudi Arabia
Hong Kong

Important dates:

The official conference and workshop language is ENGLISH. No simultaneous translation will be provided.
All oral presentation, poster and abstracts must be presented in English.
All scientific contributions will be published in the qPCR 2007 Symposium Proceedings     ISBN-13:  978-3-00-020385-5
The symposium proceedings will including all Abstract, Posters and Oral Presentations. Proceedings will be published as FULL PDF PRESENTATIONS on the symposium web page, as in the previous years qPCR 2004 and qPCR 2005. As wanted by the authors the PDF download of the contributions is password protected and only accessible for Symposium or Application Workshop participants, until autumn 2007.

Talk and Poster Call

Abstract submission deadline:
NEW  Deadline  =>  12th February 2007

Referee process will be finished until   16th February 2007

Please register using the Internet based registration and submission platform:  ConfTool

  • Register as ConfTool User  =>  NEW USER =>  Create new account
  • Register as PARTICIPANT  =>  for the symposium and/or workshops
  • Submit Contribution  =>  submit your TALK and/or POSTER abstract(s)

Internet based registration platform  https://www.wzw.tum.de/conftool/

Registration Fees

Abstract submission:
Internet based abstract submission platform =>   https://www.wzw.tum.de/conftool/

Please indicate in which Session you want to present either a Poster or give an Talk Presentation via Microsoft PowerPoint.

  • Until autumn 2007 the PDF download of the contributions is password protected and only accessible for Symposium and Workshop participants.
  • The abstract should be a one-page document based on unpublished material and written in good standard English. The text should clearly state objectives, methodology, results, and conclusion. Simple tables and graphs are allowed.
  • Poster will be DIN A0 (portrait format :120 cm/48 inch high x 90 cm/35 inch wide)
  • Presentation of every communication at the Conference is subjected to formal registration of at least one co-author.

qPCR Symposium

The symposium will focus on approximately 40-50 lectures presented by internationally recognised experts in their field. The emphasis will be on unbiased, didactic information exchange.  Internationally renown speakers will be participating in a lively and exciting programme enabling the valuable exchange of information in the qPCR field. One third of the talks will be presented by selected invited speakers, one third will be selected from the submitted abstracts and one third will be presented by qPCR company R&D representatives. All scientific contributions will be published in the qPCR 2007 Symposium Proceedings.

qPCR Industrial Exhibition

An industrial exhibition will be held during the qPCR Symposium from 26 – 28th March in the foyer of the central lecture hall complex (green frame) and in two side rooms S1 and S2 (blue frame).  According to the booth location we have 31 booth in different prize categories. They are all grouped around the central lecture halls H14 and H15 and fits up to 650 people =>  Link to the Industrial Exhibition

To book a booth and for further details about the industrial exhibition, e.g. exhibition contract, technical management, stand allocation, electronic installations, internet connection (W-LAN), etc. we are pleased to answer your questions. Please contact Dr. Ulrich Wild from TUM-Tech GmbH Munich ulrich.wild@tumtech.de

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for further questions about the scientific meeting contact  qPCR2007@wzw.tum.de

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